King Kong, the iconic giant ape, is set to make his debut on Netflix in an all-new animated series titled “Skull Island,” named after the subtitle of the 2017 movie that initiated Legendary’s Monsterverse. The series is scheduled to premiere on June 22, and it follows a group of explorers who, unknowingly, embark on a journey to the enigmatic Skull Island after rescuing Annie, voiced by Mae Whitman (Avatar: The Last Airbender), from the depths of the ocean.
The talented cast of the series includes Darren Barnet (Never Have I Ever, Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles), Benjamin Bratt (Doctor Strange, Poker Face), and Betty Gilpin (Mrs. Davis, Glow). A teaser trailer for the series is available for viewing.
Leading the production is Powerhouse Animation, the studio renowned for their work on Netflix’s hit series Castlevania. Brian Duffield (Underwater) serves as the executive producer and writer for the series, while Jacob Robinson also joins as an executive producer.
“Skull Island” serves as the initial phase of Legendary’s plan to expand the Monsterverse franchise, which includes an upcoming live-action series for Apple TV+ and the highly anticipated sequel to Godzilla vs. Kong titled “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.” Although details regarding the Apple TV+ show are scarce, it is expected to delve into the inner workings of Monarch, the organization responsible for monitoring and safeguarding humanity from these colossal creatures.
The animated series marks King Kong’s return to the small screen after a hiatus of over 20 years, and fans can anticipate an exciting continuation of the legendary ape’s adventures in the captivating world of “Skull Island.”