Pakistan is under the worst economic crisis in its history. The wheels of factories, factories and industries have stopped, and the markets have been devastated.
Investment avenues in the country have been closed, Pakistan is under the worst economic crisis in its history, the wheels of factories, factories and industries have stopped, and the markets have been deserted.
Also Read: Delay in IMF Program Prompts Pakistan To Implement Plan B
According to the report of Express-News, the statistics of banks show that due to the worst economic conditions in Pakistan, capitalists are forced to keep their capital in banks. Despite this, the value of deposits in banks is increasing.
According to experts, despite the tough economic conditions, the increase in bank deposits indicates the challenges facing investment and trade in the country.
According to statistics, the value of bank deposits reached 22 thousand 900 billion rupees in February 2023, last year in February, and bank deposits were at the level of 19 thousand 900 billion rupees, an increase of 15% in bank deposits in one year.